
TERMS & Conditions

On A Spiritual Journey We All Have The Same Destination

Welcome to Tattva Yogashala! We are dedicated to fostering a harmonious and respectful environment where every student can fully immerse themselves in the transformative journey of yoga. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our guidelines:

Norms for Staying at School:

Respectful Conduct: We expect all students to uphold values of respect, responsibility, and mindfulness. Any behavior deemed disrespectful or disruptive will not be tolerated. Our commitment to creating a safe and respectful environment extends to every interaction within the school premises.

Preservation of Sacred Ambiance: Our school cherishes Indian rituals, traditions, and culture. Please maintain reverence for these aspects during your stay. The maintenance of the school's sacred ambiance is paramount to the spiritual journey we embark upon together.

Mindful Eating: Silence during meal times facilitates mindful eating practices. Let's honor this tradition together by refraining from unnecessary conversation during meals, allowing for a deeper connection with our nourishment.

Prohibited Items: Non-vegetarian meals, non-prescribed drugs, tobacco, alcohol, etc., are strictly prohibited on school grounds. As part of our commitment to holistic wellness, we uphold a clean and pure environment that supports the practice of yoga in its entirety.

Attire Guidelines: Bikinis, swimsuits, and immodest clothing are not permitted. Kindly dress modestly in attire that reflects reverence for the practice and the space. Clothing that is gentle and modest contributes to the serene atmosphere we seek to cultivate.

Cultural Respect: Nudity is considered disrespectful towards our nation's culture and is strictly prohibited. Let us honor the rich cultural heritage of India by embracing modesty and reverence in all aspects of our conduct.

Attendance Policy: Regular attendance is mandatory for all classes. Our commitment to your growth and development as a yogi necessitates consistent engagement with the teachings and practices offered. Failure to attend classes without valid reasons may affect eligibility for certification.

Curfew: A curfew of 10:00 p.m. is enforced for returning students. No entry is permitted after this time. This curfew is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all students, allowing for adequate rest and rejuvenation.

Norms During Classes:

Electronic Devices: Keep all electronic devices outside the yoga hall and ensure they are switched off or set to silent mode. The use of electronic devices during class disrupts the sacred space and detracts from the depth of the practice. Let us embrace the opportunity to disconnect and fully immerse ourselves in the present moment.

Recording Policy: Audio, video recording, or photography during class is strictly prohibited. The sanctity of the teachings shared within the yoga hall is to be honored and respected. Let us cultivate a space where each moment is cherished and held sacred, free from the distraction of documentation.

Silence Protocol: Maintain silence while entering and leaving the yoga hall to preserve the tranquil ambiance. The transition into and out of the yoga hall is an integral part of the practice, offering an opportunity for quiet reflection and preparation. Let us move with mindfulness and grace, honoring the sacredness of each moment.

Punctuality: Arriving early promotes better time management and a peaceful atmosphere. Let's respect each other's time by arriving punctually for class, allowing for a smooth transition and the full utilization of our practice time. Your commitment to punctuality contributes to the overall harmony and flow of the class experience.

Rules Related to Medical Issues:

Emergency Assistance: In the event of a medical emergency, assistance will be provided as deemed necessary. The school holds no liability for any injury or accident during the course. While every effort is made to ensure the safety and well-being of all students, it is important to recognize the inherent risks associated with physical activity and to practice with mindfulness and self-awareness.

Health Disclosure: Please disclose any current or previous health conditions in the registration form. This information is used for eligibility criteria under special circumstances. Your health and safety are of utmost importance to us, and this information allows us to provide appropriate support and accommodations as needed.

Safety Precautions: We advise all students to carry a compact travel kit and first aid essentials for personal safety. While we strive to create a safe and supportive environment for all, it is important to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Your proactive approach to personal safety contributes to the overall well-being of the school community.

Thank you for your cooperation in creating a safe, respectful, and transformative environment at Tattva Yogashala. We look forward to sharing this journey with you as we explore the depths of yoga and self-discovery together.

Policy and Cookies

By utilizing any of the services offered on our website, "", operated by Tattva Yogashala, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to the terms and conditions delineated below. We urge all users to thoroughly peruse and comprehend these terms and conditions before engaging in any service on our website.

Moreover, it's crucial to understand that by accessing or utilizing any of our services, you implicitly consent to all the provisions articulated in this Terms & Conditions document. The utilization of our services is contingent upon compliance with these terms and conditions.

Overall Information

Tattva Yogashala, situated in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, is the rightful proprietor of the aforementioned website. As a dedicated yoga school committed to the holistic well-being of our students, safeguarding the confidentiality and security of their personal information is paramount. Nonetheless, by accessing the website or enrolling in any course at Tattva Yogashala, students grant the school permission to collect, store, utilize, and disclose their personal data, including photographs, sourced from various channels such as forms, applications, or third-party applications.


Tattva Yogashala upholds the confidentiality of student information as a top priority. However, by accessing the yoga school's website or enrolling in any course, students grant the school permission to collect, store, utilize, and disclose their personal data for any commercial purpose, including publishing on social networks. This may encompass photographs obtained from diverse sources such as forms, applications, or third-party applications.

Should a student wish to request changes or deletion of their provided data, they can contact the school through a provided email. Students are also required to provide a confirmation letter affirming the validity of the provided information and assume responsibility for any unforeseen risk or liability that may arise during the yoga school's activities and events.

It is imperative for students to carefully review the privacy policy before submitting any information to the school through any means.

Active Means Of Accumulating Information

Tattva Yogashala collects personal data from students through feedback forms required at the time of registration. The form solicits personal information such as the student's name, contact number, and email address.

To enhance user-friendliness, essential sections that must be completed by the user are denoted with an asterisk on the right side. Sections that are unmarked can be left unfilled at the user's discretion.

Passive Means Of Accumulating Information

The Tattvaa Yogashala website passively collects navigational data through the utilization of IP (Internet Protocol) addresses as users navigate through the site. This non-personal information is gathered to aid the school in determining the optimal method to connect, collect aggregate data, and diagnose any server-related issues on the website.

Right to Make Amendments

Tattva Yogashala retains the right to make amendments, repeal, or append terms to these Terms and Conditions at any juncture deemed necessary. Any such alterations will be effective immediately upon posting on the website. We advise all users to regularly peruse these Terms and Conditions to remain abreast of any updates.

In the event of any amendment, we will issue a notice at least two weeks or 12 days prior to its implementation. Should a user continue to access or utilize our services subsequent to any amendment, it will be construed as an acceptance of the revised terms. Users dissenting with any amendment are advised to discontinue the use of our website and services.

Utilization of Third-Party Links and Services

Please take note that our website may encompass links or references to third-party services or websites not owned or managed by Tattva Yogashala. While we may facilitate access to such services, we disclaim any responsibility for their content, services, goods, or any damages that may transpire directly or indirectly as a consequence of utilizing or relying on them.

It is imperative to comprehend that these third-party services are exclusively governed by their own terms of service, cookie policies, and privacy policies. Hence, we strongly recommend meticulously reviewing and understanding these policies before accessing or utilizing any third-party service or website.

Please be cognizant that the school lacks control over these third-party services or websites and disclaims responsibility for any actions or policies of these third parties. As a user of our website and services, you consent to absolve Tattva Yogashala from any liability, claims, damages, or expenses that may ensue from your utilization of any third-party service or website linked to our website.

Intellectual Property and Copyright Notice

All content on this website, encompassing text, graphics, images, logos, and software, is safeguarded by intellectual property and copyright laws. Reproducing, modifying, distributing, or transmitting any of this content without prior written consent from Tattva Yogashala is strictly prohibited and may result in legal repercussions.

Trademarks, logos, and service marks exhibited on this website are the property of Tattva Yogashala or their respective proprietors. Utilizing any of these without prior written consent from Tattva Yogashala or the respective owner is strictly prohibited.

By utilizing this website, you acknowledge that all intellectual property rights in the content available on this website belong to Tattva Yogashala. You are not permitted to utilize any of the content for commercial purposes without prior written consent from Tattva Yogashala.

Any unauthorized utilization of content on this website may contravene intellectual property and copyright laws and may culminate in legal liability.


The Tattvaa Yogashala website may utilize cookies to store a small quantity of data in the user's web browser in text format. Multiple cookies may be stored in the web browser. The data stored in cookies is utilized for analytics and enabling various service functions, such as recording visitor preferences to dispense the most pertinent advertisements. Users retain the option to accept or deny cookies and will still have access to all information and services available on the website.

Google Analytics

Tattva Yogashala employs Google Analytics to procure information concerning the most frequented pages and the frequency of visits to the website. This data is amassed to facilitate enhancements in the website's functionality. Google Analytics also records the user's IP address during their visit to the website. The yoga school refrains from amalgamating the user's personal data with the data collected through Google Analytics to safeguard the user's identity.


The information and content on Tattva Yogashala's website are furnished "as is" and without any warranty, guarantee, or representation of accuracy. While we endeavor to provide accurate and dependable information, we do not warrant the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, or reliability of any statement, advice, or opinion on the website.

Tattva Yogashala reserves the prerogative to effect changes, updates, or deletions to the website content, services, and data at any time, sans prior notice. We disclaim any responsibility or liability for any losses or damages incurred by users predicated on the information provided on the website.

Users acknowledge that Tattva Yogashala cannot be held liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential, arising from the utilization or inability to utilize any content, services, or data provided on the website.

Governing Law

The Terms & Conditions listed on this website "" are governed by Indian Law. Users are advised to interpret these T&C in accordance with the Indian Laws, without regard to any conflict of law provisions.

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